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BarkTec - Ultrasonic Anti-Bark HouseUpdated 2 years ago

Quick Setup Guide

Follow these instructions to quickly get the Birdhouse Silencer working, effectively.

1. Remove the rear cover of the device and insert a new 9V Battery, ensuring that the correct + and - contact points have been connected together securely.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is more about questions surrounding the use of the product rather than troubleshooting issues

  • E.g. How long does the battery last?
    • 6 or 7 hours

Important Information

  • If using Wi-Fi enabled feature the device must be connected to a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi connection
    • Does not work on 5Ghz as the connection is not as reliable and built for speed rather than stability 
  • Uses IoT Living App for remote monitoring

Device Overview

Button Functions


Dot point any information that you think is useful to know about the product

  • Remember this is also an internal document so if there's information around who to ask for help or any additional links for this product you can include them here
  • If the product is 

Common Issues

  1. List issues that can be resolved by troubleshooting
  2. Name the issues something that can be translated from the info the customer gives us
  3. "Not Working" obviously isn't specific enough, but "Not Turning On" is better

Troubleshooting Guides

What's Included in The Box?

  • Dot point all the things the box contains. 
  • Include any pictures you have of the box contents. 
  • If you need pictures taken, just let Jack know and he'll organize that for you.

Canned Responses

  • /c Birdhouse Troubleshooting

Hi {{ticket.cf_your_name}}


We're sorry to hear you're having issues with this device,
There are a number of troubleshooting steps worth trying to get the device working for you, so please give them a go and let us know if they resolve your issue:

Power Issues

If your device does not seem to be producing ultrasonic sound, ensure when set into test mode (The 'T' option after OFF), the device is producing an occasionally blinking green light.
If the device is not producing this green light:

 1. Turn off the device 

 2. Remove the current 9V battery used in the device and replace it with a new 9V battery
 3. Set the device to 'T' (Test Mode) and confirm the green light is blinking. 

        If the green light is not blinking, the device may be faulty.
4. Confirm the device power fault by tapping, or blowing heavily into the small circular sensor with perforated holes on the forehead of the front of the device.
       If the device does not produce a green light, red light or sound, the device is faulty. Please let us know so we can provide an RPL.

Product Positioning & Reach

If the device is not working for your dog or particular situation, please use the following tips to best position the device to be most effective.
   Please note that it can take a few days for your dog to recognize the invisible, cone-shaped area the device reaches to prevent them barking in the set area.

1. Height: For the best results with this device, it should be positioned in alignment or directionally angled towards the dogs ear level where they would receive the sound most effectively. For example, if you have a small chihuahua you would want to place the device slightly above ground level such as on a stack of books or low shelf, rather than up high or faced away from the area.

2. Angle: This device produces a cone-like shape from the front of the device directionally outward, with roughly a 45° angle of coverage. If you have the device positioned on a shelf or bench and have a dog at ground level, the signal may not be reaching the dog. Utilise a small wedge object like a book under the rear side of the device to angle it downward, giving the ultrasonic frequency more directional strength.

3. Range: The birdhouse silencer has a maximum detection range of 15 metres, with each dial of the device increasing the detection radius by 5 metres. Ensure that your height and angle are appropriately set, and adjust the dial to best represent the range you're trying to cover to improve detection results.

What's Next?

If the above troubleshooting has not worked, please shoot a short video demonstrating the specific product fault and we can provide further, more specific troubleshooting or use it as our reference for your warranty claim as required. In your reply, please also provide any further relevant information you can about the fault, and if you were after a replacement, exchange or refund.
 We have a number of product alternatives depending on your situation, so if you'd like to consider your exchange options let us know what you want to achieve, or browse our site for options!

How do you send us a video?

1. Go to

2. Upload your video demonstrating the product fault.

3. Select 'Get Transfer Link', this may also appear as 'Get a Link' (This may be hidden behind the three dots cog at the bottom or side of the upload panel depending on your platform).
4. In the message section, let us know your order number and a brief description of the fault.

5. Reply to our email here with the video link and our specialist will be able to advise further with troubleshooting information / confirming the fault to progress your case status

Thanks again for your message and hopefully our troubleshooting steps will resolve your issue! If not, please utilise the information provided above to reply back with the relevant information.

Have a great rest of your day, and we look forward to your reply.

  • /c Birdhouse Alternatives

Alternative Recommendations after trying the Barktec Birdhouse:

Some customers have found that the ultrasonic isn't right for them even if the device does work, or might not be the best option situationally. If you were interested in product alternatives that might prove more effective for your situation, here are two product recommendations we'd recommend for purchase to assist in bark prevention or general dog training:

A Citronella Spray Collar:
These devices are a rechargeable, refillable collar with a light citrus-like misting that dogs really dislike. The device triggers when the dog barks, sending out the spray and disrupting barking habits.
Product Link:

A Remote-Control Solution:
A range of our devices provide you the ability to press a beep, vibrate or static shock (adjustable intensity from 0+). This gives you direct control to prevent barking and facilitate all kinds of training.
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