Wireless Charger Camera ClockUpdated 2 years ago
Quick Setup Guide
See IoT Living App - Awaretech Smart Cams page for guides on pairing device to app & connecting device to WiFi
Please see attachments for digital copy of Quick Setup Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
This section is more about questions surrounding the use of the product rather than troubleshooting issues
- E.g. How long does the battery last?
- 6 or 7 hours
Important Information
- If using Wi-Fi enabled feature the device must be connected to a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi connection
- Does not work on 5Ghz as the connection is not as reliable and built for speed rather than stability
- Uses IoT Living App for remote monitoring
Device Overview
Button Functions
Dot point any information that you think is useful to know about the product
- Remember this is also an internal document so if there's information around who to ask for help or any additional links for this product you can include them here
- If the product is
Common Issues
- List issues that can be resolved by troubleshooting
- Name the issues something that can be translated from the info the customer gives us
- "Not Working" obviously isn't specific enough, but "Not Turning On" is better
Troubleshooting Guides
What's Included in The Box?
- Dot point all the things the box contains.
- Include any pictures you have of the box contents.
- If you need pictures taken, just let Jack know and he'll organize that for you.
Canned Responses
- List any canned responses relevant to this device here